Briefly, this error occurs when you try to restore an index in Elasticsearch that has the same name as an existing open index. Elasticsearch doesn’t allow this to prevent data loss. To resolve this issue, you can either close the existing index before restoring, rename the index you’re trying to restore, or delete the existing index if it’s no longer needed. Always ensure to backup your data before performing these operations to prevent accidental data loss.
This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” cannot restore index [” + renamedIndex + “] because an open index ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: index, restore.
In Elasticsearch, an index (plural: indices) contains a schema and can have one or more shards and replicas. An Elasticsearch index is divided into shards and each shard is an instance of a Lucene index.
Indices are used to store the documents in dedicated data structures corresponding to the data type of fields. For example, text fields are stored inside an inverted index whereas numeric and geo fields are stored inside BKD trees.
Create index
The following example is based on Elasticsearch version 5.x onwards. An index with two shards, each having one replica will be created with the name test_index1
PUT /test_index1?pretty { "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 2, "number_of_replicas" : 1 }, "mappings" : { "properties" : { "tags" : { "type" : "keyword" }, "updated_at" : { "type" : "date" } } } }
List indices
All the index names and their basic information can be retrieved using the following command:
GET _cat/indices?v
Index a document
Let’s add a document in the index with the command below:
PUT test_index1/_doc/1 { "tags": [ "opster", "elasticsearch" ], "date": "01-01-2020" }
Query an index
GET test_index1/_search { "query": { "match_all": {} } }
Query multiple indices
It is possible to search multiple indices with a single request. If it is a raw HTTP request, index names should be sent in comma-separated format, as shown in the example below, and in the case of a query via a programming language client such as python or Java, index names are to be sent in a list format.
GET test_index1,test_index2/_search
Delete indices
DELETE test_index1
Common problems
- It is good practice to define the settings and mapping of an Index wherever possible because if this is not done, Elasticsearch tries to automatically guess the data type of fields at the time of indexing. This automatic process may have disadvantages, such as mapping conflicts, duplicate data and incorrect data types being set in the index. If the fields are not known in advance, it’s better to use dynamic index templates.
- Elasticsearch supports wildcard patterns in Index names, which sometimes aids with querying multiple indices, but can also be very destructive too. For example, It is possible to delete all the indices in a single command using the following commands:
To disable this, you can add the following lines in the elasticsearch.yml:
action.destructive_requires_name: true
In Elasticsearch, restore refers to the snapshot restore mechanism, which returns indices or clusters to a previous, saved state. You can restore the entire cluster from the snapshot or restore an individual index or selected indices.
To restore the whole snapshot:
POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot-01-11-2019/_restore
To restore an individual index:
POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot-01-11-2019/_restore { "indices": "my_index" }
- If you are using a security tool like Searchguard, the snapshot restore capability must be enabled in elasticsearch.yml. Otherwise, it will throw a security exception.
Common issues
- If an index or indices already exist with the same names as those you are going to restore, they need to either be closed or deleted before you can restore from a snapshot. Otherwise, the restore operation will fail due to an error that the index already exists.
Log Context
Log “cannot restore index [” + renamedIndex + “] because an open index ” class name is We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :
private void validateExistingIndex(IndexMetaData currentIndexMetaData; IndexMetaData snapshotIndexMetaData; String renamedIndex; boolean partial) { // Index exist - checking that it's closed if (currentIndexMetaData.getState() != IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) { // TODO: Enable restore for open indices throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshot; "cannot restore index [" + renamedIndex + "] because an open index " + "with same name already exists in the cluster. Either close or delete the existing index or restore the " + "index under a different name by providing a rename pattern and replacement name"); } // Index exist - checking if it's partial restore if (partial) {