Briefly, this error occurs when the Elasticsearch Watcher plugin is trying to send a notification to a HipChat account, but the profile setting for that account is missing. This could be due to incorrect configuration or missing information. To resolve this issue, you can either add the missing profile setting in the elasticsearch.yml file or update the Watcher’s configuration to include the necessary profile information for the HipChat account. Make sure to restart Elasticsearch after making these changes.
This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” missing [profile] setting for hipchat account [” + name + “] ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: plugin.
Log Context
Log “missing [profile] setting for hipchat account [” + name + “]” class name is We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :
@Override protected HipChatAccount createAccount(String name; Settings accountSettings) { HipChatAccount.Profile profile = HipChatAccount.Profile.resolve(accountSettings; "profile"; null); if (profile == null) { throw new SettingsException("missing [profile] setting for hipchat account [" + name + "]"); } return profile.createAccount(name; accountSettings; defaultServer; httpClient; logger); } private static List> getDynamicSettings() {