Elasticsearch Elasticsearch Cat Shards: A Comprehensive Guide

By Opster Team

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

| 2 min read


Understanding and managing shards in Elasticsearch is crucial for optimizing the performance and stability of your cluster. The cat shards API is a valuable tool that provides detailed information about the shards in your Elasticsearch cluster. In this article, we will explore the cat shards API, its usage, and how to interpret the output to effectively manage your Elasticsearch shards.

Using the Cat Shards API

The cat shards API is a part of the cat APIs, which are designed to provide human-readable information about various aspects of an Elasticsearch cluster. To use the cat shards API, you can send an HTTP GET request to the following endpoint:

GET /_cat/shards

You can also filter the output by specifying an index pattern or a specific index:

GET /_cat/shards/{index}

For example, to get information about shards for an index named “my_index”, you would use:

GET /_cat/shards/my_index

Interpreting the Output

The output of the cat shards API consists of several columns, each providing specific information about the shards in your cluster. Here’s a brief explanation of each column:

  1. `index`: The name of the index the shard belongs to.
  2. `shard`: The shard number.
  3. `prirep`: Indicates whether the shard is a primary (p) or replica (r) shard.
  4. `state`: The current state of the shard (e.g., STARTED, INITIALIZING, UNASSIGNED).
  5. `docs`: The number of documents in the shard.
  6. `store`: The size of the shard on disk.
  7. `ip`: The IP address of the node hosting the shard.
  8. `node`: The name of the node hosting the shard.

Here’s an example of the cat shards API output:

my_index 0 p STARTED 1000 10.1mb node-1
my_index 0 r STARTED 1000 10.1mb node-2
my_index 1 p STARTED 1000 10.1mb node-2
my_index 1 r STARTED 1000 10.1mb node-1

In this example, we have an index named “my_index” with two shards (0 and 1) and one replica for each shard. Both primary and replica shards are in the STARTED state, and each shard contains 1000 documents with a size of 10.1mb on disk.

Customizing the Output

You can customize the output of the cat shards API by specifying the columns you want to display and their order. To do this, use the `?h=` query parameter followed by a comma-separated list of column names:

GET /_cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state

This request will only display the `index`, `shard`, `prirep`, and `state` columns in the output.

Additionally, you can sort the output by one or more columns using the `?s=` query parameter:

GET /_cat/shards?s=index:desc,shard:asc

This request will sort the output in descending order by the `index` column and ascending order by the `shard` column.

Troubleshooting Shard Issues

The cat shards API can help you identify and troubleshoot shard-related issues in your Elasticsearch cluster. Some common issues you might encounter include:

  1. Unassigned shards: If the `state` column shows UNASSIGNED for a shard, it means that the shard is not allocated to any node. This can happen due to various reasons, such as node failures, insufficient resources, or misconfiguration. Investigate the cluster logs and use the cluster allocation explain API to determine the cause and take appropriate action.
  1. Imbalanced shard distribution: If you notice that some nodes have significantly more shards than others, it might indicate an imbalanced shard distribution. This can lead to performance issues and hotspots in your cluster. Consider using the shard allocation filtering or the cluster rebalance API to redistribute the shards more evenly across the nodes.
  1. Large shards: If the `store` column shows that some shards are significantly larger than others, it might indicate that your data is not distributed evenly across the shards. This can lead to performance issues and slow query times. Consider reindexing your data with a different number of shards or using a custom routing strategy to distribute the data more evenly.


In conclusion, the Elasticsearch cat shards API is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing shards in your cluster. By understanding the output and using it to identify potential issues, you can optimize the performance and stability of your Elasticsearch cluster.

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