Elasticsearch Elasticsearch Version is Outdated

By Opster Team

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

| 2 min read

What does this mean?

Though it is entirely possible to run on older versions of Elasticsearch, it is recommended to run on the newer versions as they include bug fixes, performance improvements and generally run more efficiently. 

Versions are monitored by Opster AutoOps in real-time with personalized recommendations provided for your own system. You can also configure notifications to ensure you are always running on the most up-to-date version. 

Possible impact and consequences of running on outdated Elasticsearch versions

The possible impact of running an older version of Elasticsearch includes:

  1. Reduced performance: Newer versions of Elasticsearch are optimized for better performance, which means that you may not be getting the most out of your hardware resources with an older version.
  2. Missed features: New features and improvements are introduced in newer versions, and you may not be able to take advantage of these enhancements if you are running an older version.
  3. Limited support: As newer versions are released, older versions may eventually become unsupported, which means that you may not receive updates, bug fixes, or assistance from the Elasticsearch team.

How to resolve

  1. Upgrade the cluster version. Before upgrading, keep in mind that an upgrade usually also entails upgrading all of your client applications, and deprecated functions may cause things in your application to break. Make sure that you read the appropriate “breaking changes” documentation and thoroughly test in a staging environment before proceeding with the upgrade of your production cluster to the latest version, because it will not be possible to downgrade it afterwards.

To upgrade your Elasticsearch cluster, follow these general steps:

   a. Review the Elasticsearch upgrade documentation for your specific version.

   b. Test the upgrade process in a non-production environment.

   c. Schedule a maintenance window for the upgrade.

   d. Perform a rolling upgrade or a full cluster restart, depending on your Elasticsearch version and requirements.

   e. Verify the upgrade by checking the cluster health and version.

  1. Monitor Elasticsearch release announcements: Stay informed about new releases and their features by subscribing to Elasticsearch release announcements or regularly checking the Elasticsearch website.
  1. Plan regular upgrades: Establish a schedule for upgrading your Elasticsearch cluster to ensure that you are always running a supported version and taking advantage of the latest features and improvements.


By taking the necessary steps to upgrade your cluster, you can ensure that you are running the most efficient and feature-rich version of Elasticsearch. Regularly upgrading your cluster will help you maintain optimal performance and take advantage of the latest improvements and features.

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