Elasticsearch Efficiently Searching by Document ID in Elasticsearch

By Opster Team

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

| 2 min read


Searching by document ID is a common requirement when working with Elasticsearch. It allows you to quickly retrieve a specific document from an index based on its unique identifier. In this article, we will discuss the different methods to search by document ID in Elasticsearch, their performance implications, and best practices to optimize your search queries.

Methods to Search by Document ID

1. Get API

The most efficient way to retrieve a document by its ID is to use the Get API. This API is designed specifically for this purpose and provides the fastest response time. The Get API bypasses the search and query phases, directly accessing the document from the in-memory index.


GET /<index>/_doc/<document_id>


GET /my_index/_doc/1

2. Search API with Term Query

Another method to search by document ID is to use the Search API with a Term Query. This approach is less efficient than the Get API, as it involves the search and query phases. However, it can be useful in certain scenarios where you need to combine the document ID search with other query conditions.


GET /<index>/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "_id": "<document_id>"


GET /my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "_id": "1"

3. Search API with Ids Query

Another method to search by document ID is to use the Search API with an Ids Query. This approach is less efficient than the Get API, as it involves the search and query phases. However, it can be useful in certain scenarios where you need to combine the document ID search with other query conditions.


GET /<index>/_search
  "query": {
    "ids": {
      "values": ["<document_id>"]


GET /my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "ids": {
      "values": ["1"]

Performance Implications

As mentioned earlier, the Get API is the most efficient method for searching by document ID. It directly accesses the document from the index, bypassing the search and query phases. This results in faster response times and lower resource usage on the Elasticsearch cluster.

On the other hand, the Search API with Term or Ids Query involves the search and query phases, which can be more resource-intensive and slower compared to the Get API. However, this method can be useful when you need to combine the document ID search with other query conditions or aggregations.

Best Practices for Searching by Document ID

  1. Use the Get API whenever possible: If you only need to retrieve a single document by its ID, always use the Get API for the best performance.
  1. Use the Search API with Term or Ids Query for complex queries: If you need to combine the document ID search with other query conditions or aggregations, use the Search API with a Term or Ids Query. However, be aware of the performance implications and optimize your queries accordingly.
  1. Optimize your index settings: Ensure that your index settings are optimized for your specific use case. For example, consider using a smaller number of shards for faster search performance, or use the _routing field to route documents with the same ID to the same shard.
  1. Monitor and fine-tune your Elasticsearch cluster: Regularly monitor the performance of your Elasticsearch cluster and fine-tune its settings to ensure optimal search performance. This includes monitoring the response times, resource usage, and query performance.


Searching by document ID is a common requirement when working with Elasticsearch. The Get API is the most efficient method for this purpose, providing fast response times and lower resource usage. However, the Search API with Term or Ids Query can be useful in certain scenarios where you need to combine the document ID search with other query conditions. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can optimize your search queries and ensure efficient retrieval of documents by their ID in Elasticsearch.

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