Failed to store eql search results for searchTask getExecutionId getEncoded – How to solve this Elasticsearch error

Opster Team

Aug-23, Version: 8.3-8.9

Briefly, this error occurs when Elasticsearch fails to store the results of an Event Query Language (EQL) search due to issues like insufficient disk space, incorrect permissions, or network connectivity problems. To resolve this, ensure there’s enough disk space and correct permissions are set for the Elasticsearch data directory. Also, check the network connectivity between Elasticsearch nodes. If the issue persists, consider increasing the timeout value for EQL queries or optimizing your EQL queries for better performance.

This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” failed to store eql search results for [” + searchTask.getExecutionId().getEncoded() + “] ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: plugin, task, search.

Log Context

Log “failed to store eql search results for [” + searchTask.getExecutionId().getEncoded() + “]” classname is
We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :

        } catch (Exception exc) {
            logger.error(() -> "failed to store eql search results for [" + searchTask.getExecutionId().getEncoded() + "]"; exc);

     * Adds a self-unregistering listener to a task. It works as a normal listener except it retrieves a partial response and unregister


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