Elasticsearch OpenSearch Dashboard

By Opster Team

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

| 2 min read

Optimizing OpenSearch Dashboards for Enhanced Data Visualization

OpenSearch Dashboards is a powerful tool that allows users to visualize and analyze their data in real-time. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating and sharing visualizations, dashboards, and reports. In this article, we will discuss some advanced tips and best practices for optimizing your OpenSearch Dashboards experience. If you want to learn more about OpenSearch observability visualizations and how to use notebooks and operational panels, check out this guide.

1. Use Index Patterns Wisely

Index patterns define how OpenSearch Dashboards should access your data. To optimize performance, create specific index patterns for the data you want to visualize. Avoid using wildcards or overly broad patterns, as they can lead to slow dashboard loading times.


Instead of using “logstash-*”, create a specific index pattern like “logstash-2021.10.*” for October 2021 logs.

2. Leverage Filters and Queries

To improve dashboard performance, use filters and queries to narrow down the data displayed in your visualizations. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed and displayed, resulting in faster load times.


Instead of visualizing all logs, apply a filter to display only logs with a specific error code or from a specific application.

3. Optimize Visualization Types

Choose the right visualization type for your data and use case. Some visualizations, like pie charts and heatmaps, can be resource-intensive and slow down your dashboard. Experiment with different visualization types to find the most efficient and effective way to display your data.


Instead of using a pie chart to display the percentage of errors by type, consider using a bar chart or a data table.

4. Limit the Number of Visualizations per Dashboard

Having too many visualizations on a single dashboard can negatively impact performance. Limit the number of visualizations per dashboard and create multiple dashboards if necessary. Organize your dashboards by topic or use case to make them easy to navigate.

5. Use Time Ranges Appropriately

Selecting an appropriate time range for your dashboard can significantly improve performance. Avoid using very long time ranges, as they can cause slow load times and make it difficult to spot trends in your data. Instead, choose a time range that provides enough context for your analysis without overwhelming your dashboard.


Instead of displaying data for the past year, consider using a 30-day or 7-day time range.

6. Monitor and Optimize OpenSearch Performance

Ensure that your OpenSearch cluster is properly sized and configured for your use case. Monitor cluster performance using tools like OpenSearch Performance Analyzer and adjust settings as needed to maintain optimal performance.


In conclusion, optimizing your OpenSearch Dashboards experience involves careful consideration of index patterns, filters, queries, visualization types, dashboard organization, and time ranges. By following these best practices, you can create efficient and effective dashboards that provide valuable insights into your data.

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