Elasticsearch Reporting in OpenSearch

By Opster Expert Team - Gustavo

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

| 5 min read

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Reporting allows users to generate useful data summarizations in the shape of PNG images of Dashboards, CSVs with Discovery result content, to entire PDF reports of certain Notebooks.

Reporting plugin installation

To use OpenSearch’s reporting functionality, users need to install the reporting plugin on all OpenSearch nodes.

bin/opensearch-plugin install opensearch-reports-scheduler

Generating reports

There are two ways users can generate reports:

  • From OpenSearch dashboards directly, using the Reporting Plugin 
  • Using the Reporting CLI (available from version 2.5)

Let’s explore each of these options.

Generating reports using Opensearch Dashboards

Triggering reports from the Dashboards.

Triggering reports from the Dashboard itself is the simplest way to receive reports on demand right from the browser. Click on reporting -> Create report. 

Reporting on OpenSearch Dashboard's menu.

From here we can see the reports generated from the Dashboards/Notebooks/Discovery section, but also establish Report definitions to automate the generation of reports:

Where to see the reports generated from the Dashboards/Notebooks/Discovery section in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Click “Create” to start configuring the report definition.

Click “Create” to start configuring the report definition on OpenSearch Dashboards.

From here, users can generate reports on demand from a Dashboard, Visualization, Saved Search, or Notebook, selecting the time range of the report. For Dashboard, Visualization or Notebook, users can choose between PDF or PNG formats. For Discovery, users must choose CSV, with a maximum output of 10000 lines. Reports can be triggered either on demand or automatically based on a set schedule or a cron expression:

A report on OpenSearch being triggered by either on demand or automatically based on a set schedule or a cron expression:

Then, set the frequency to daily or interval.

Setting the frequency to daily or interval on OpenSearch Dashboards reporting.

Once a schedule has been defined, the report definition details are visible from the Reporting home page.

Generating reports using the CLI Reporting Feature

In OpenSearch 2.5 it is also possible to use the new CLI Reporting feature discussed above. 

Reporting CLI is a package that’s installed on a client server, external to the OpenSearch cluster that allows users to generate reports programmatically. For example, from consuming applications.

This is very powerful, because now OpenSearch reports can be easily triggered and sent from an external application .


The reporting CLI can be easily installed using the NPM package manager:

npm i @opensearch-project/reporting-cli -g

The reporting tool can be installed on any machine that can access the OpenSearch cluster, since it is independent of OpenSearch nodes.


First, get the URL of the dashboard that you want to generate the report:

Getting the URL of the dashboard that you want to generate the report on OpenSearch Dashbaords.

Then, configure an SMTP server to use as the email source.

In this example, we use Gmail as the Email SMTP server provider. Users cannot use their current password for external access, they must create an App Password, and use it to login using their Gmail address.

Then, users can use the CLI to send a report via email:

opensearch-reporting-cli -u <your_dashboard_url> -a basic -c admin:admin -e smtp -s sender_email@gmail.com -r recipient_email@gmail.com -f png --smtpusername sender_gmail_username --smtppassword app_password --smtphost smtp.gmail.com --smtpport 465

Below are the main options:

–urlThe url of the dashboard users want to send in the report
–authtype of auth (basic|cognito|none)
–eemail transport mechanism (smtp|ses)
–fromemail of sender
–toemail of recipient
–formatoutput format (pdfpng|csv)
–smtpusernamesmtp username
–smtppasswordsmtp password
–smtphostsmtp host

*Be patient, it can take 1-2 minutes to generate and send the report.

The email will look like this:

How the OpenSearch Dashboards report will look on an email.

The report will come as an attached file, where the subject and note can be customized using the –subject, and –note options. 

The full list of available options can be found by running the following command or here:

opensearch-reporting-cli -h

list of available options found by running the command.


Let’s create a simple API with Node.js that will receive an email address and send a report to that user. This way, instead of calling the CLI from a local machine, users can spin up a server and generate reports from an application, or call this API from another service.

Begin by creating a folder called reporting-cli, with a file called reporting-cli.js inside, that will act as a wrapper of the CLI library and enable execution from Node.js  using javascript functions:

const { exec } = require('child_process');

function createReport(options) {
 const {
   url = "http://localhost:5601/goto/<your_id>\?security_tenant\=private",
   authType = "basic",
   credentials = "admin:admin",
   emailService = "smtp",
   smtpHost = "smtp.gmail.com",
   smtpPort = 465,
   smtpUsername = "<your_username>",
   smtpPassword = "<you_app_password>",
   sender = "<your_username@gmail.com>",
   format = "pdf",
 } = options;

 const command = `opensearch-reporting-cli -u "${url}" -a ${authType} -c ${credentials} -e ${emailService} -s "${sender}" -r "${recipient}" -f ${format} --smtpusername ${smtpUsername} --smtppassword ${smtpPassword} --smtphost ${smtpHost} --smtpport ${smtpPort}`;

 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
     if (error) {
     } else {

module.exports = { createReport };

To keep it simple, let’s keep all the parameters set within the function, but, remember, you can get as creative as you want passing those down via url.

Now let’s install Express, which will act as our server.


npm init

Press enter to accept the default options.

Then install express:

npm install express

Now create an index.js file, and add the following: 

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 1337;

const { createReport } = require("./reporting-cli");

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
   "Welcome to the CLI generator for OpenSearch Reporting!, to go /report"

app.get("/report", async (req, res) => {
 const { email } = req.query;

   return res.send(`Please provide an email address`);

 try {
   await createReport({ recipient: email });
   res.send(`Report successfully sent! to ${email}`);
 } catch (error) {
   res.send(`Whoops!, error ${error}`);

app.listen(port, () => {
 console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`);

Finally, in the terminal run:

npm start

This should be visible in the console:

Example app listening on port 1337

Now, reports can be generated via your own API. Now, try using the browser.

Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:1337

Welcome to the CLI generator screen.

Now, try using the /report endpoint: http://localhost:1337/report?email=some_email@domain.com

This will send a report to the email specified in the URL.

The success message will appear in the browser.

Remember, generating the report could take a while.

Report successfully sent screen on localhost.

Now, we’re ready to check the email inbox:

Example of an email containing the OpenSearch Dashboard report.

And the attached PDF file:

Example of an OpenSearch Dashboards report attachment.

Perfect! Use this example to trigger reports from applications.

UPDATE: It is also possible to import reporting-cli as a nodejs package and use it, but it hasn’t been documented yet, check for updates: [FEATURE] nodejs package · Issue #36 · opensearch-project/reporting-cli (github.com)

Useful Information

Bear in mind:

  • CSV reports are limited to 10000 lines. This limit is not currently configurable.
  • Reports may take several minutes to generate, so be patient.
  • Reports in general can put a high burden on OpenSearch, so be careful about how many users are allowed to create and schedule reports via either of the methods indicated.


OpenSearch offers multiple ways to generate reports from its dashboards and notebooks, including the Reporting Plugin and the Reporting CLI. The Reporting Plugin allows for on-demand report generation and automated report scheduling, while the Reporting CLI offers programmable report generation capabilities for integration with other applications

The OpenSearch Reporting CLI offers a powerful way to generate and send reports programmatically, allowing seamless integration within application flows. 

With the ability to generate PNG images of Dashboards, CSV files, or full PDF reports, OpenSearch Reporting CLI provides users with valuable data summarizations. 

By leveraging OpenSearch Reporting CLI, developers can enhance their applications, providing their users with easily accessible, customizable, and relevant reports.

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