Elasticsearch Setting Up Single Sign-On Using OpenID Connect in OpenSearch

By Opster Expert Team - Gustavo

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

| 4 min read

This article is part 3 of 3 part series:

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Single sign-on has become a web standard, allowing users to log in to multiple applications using a single set of credentials. 

In this article we will use OpenID Connect as the SSO method, and Okta as the idP (Identity Provider) to authorize our Okta users to view certain Opensearch Dashboards without having to maintain two different user lists, or making users manage a set of dedicated Opensearch credentials.

  1. User login using Okta credentials.
  2. Depending on the user group, a different role mapping will be applied.
  3. Each Okta group will be mapped to an Opensearch role with specific permissions.
  4. Authorized Dashboards are returned to the user. 

How to implement SAML SSO Using OKTA idP

1. Create an OKTA account

Create a free Okta trial here: https://www.okta.com/free-trial/

Create a free Okta trial tab

2. Create user groups

For this example, we will create 2 Okta groups to show users how to map these roles to OpenSearch user roles and tenants. In the Okta admin panel go to Directory -> Groups and then create the okta_dashboards_admin and okta_dashboards_user.

How to create 2 Okta groups to show users how to map these roles to OpenSearch user roles and tenants.

Don’t forget to assign your Group to the Application.

Assigning your Group to the Application when creating Okta groups.

3. Create role mappings in OpenSearch

Since only one login method can be active at once, ensure the right roles to Okta users are assigned, because after activating SAML we can no longer  login using the default admin user.

To do this,  locate the roles you want to assign to your OKTA users and add that group to the mapped users list.

To the okta_dashboards_admin users we will assign the allow_all role, while the okta_dashboards_users will be given the kibana_user role.

Go to Security -> Roles -> <name_of_the_role>, in the Mapped users section select “Manage Mapping.”

To the Backend roles list add the name of the Okta group you want to use.

Creating role mappings in OpenSearch Dashboards.
Mapped users when creating role mappings in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Repeat each step for each Okta group.

3. Create an App for OpenSearch Dashboards

Pay special attention when filling this out, it needs to match the configuration we will later create in OpenSearch.

Go to Applications -> Create App Integration.

Creating App Integration in Okta

In the Sign-in method box select “OpenID Connect” and in the Application type section select “Web application.”

Selecting “OpenID Connect” and in the Application type section select “Web application.” when creating an App for OpenSearch Dashboards.

Under Application, choose any display name you want, add a logo (optional), and click Next.

Configure the following settings: 

redirect URIs: http://<dashboards_host>/auth/openid/login
Sign-out redirect URIs: http://<dashboards_host>

Save, and then add:

Client ID
Client Secret 

OS Open Connect General tab.

Go to the Sign On tab, and set the Groups Claim Type to “Filter” and the Groups Claim Filter to regex match and value of .* to capture all user groups. Here, use any pattern you want to only pass along only the user groups you want.

OpenID Connect ID Token

Go back to Applications and Assign the Groups you created at the beginning.

Assign the Groups created to Okta

4. Enable OpenID Connect SSO in OpenSearch

You must modify 2 files:

 type: "config"
 config_version: 2
       http_enabled: true
       transport_enabled: true
       order: 0
         type: basic
         challenge: false
         type: internal
       http_enabled: true
       transport_enabled: true
       order: 1
         type: openid
         challenge: false
           subject_key: preferred_username
           roles_key: groups
           openid_connect_url: https://<okta.domain>/.well-known/openid-configuration
         type: noop

Fill “openid_connect_url” with your Okta domain.

Because OpenSearch Dashboards require that the internal OpenSearch Dashboards server user can authenticate through HTTP basic authentication, we must configure two authentication domains. For OpenID Connect, the HTTP basic domain must first be placed in the chain. Make sure the challenge flag is set to false.


For Dashboards to use OpenID Connect SSO, add the following to your opensearch_dashboards.yml file

opensearch_security.auth.type: "openid"
opensearch_security.openid.connect_url: "https://<your_domain>.okta.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"
opensearch_security.openid.client_id: "your_client_id"
opensearch_security.openid.client_secret: "your_client_secret"
opensearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [authorization, securitytenant]
opensearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
opensearch_security.openid.scope: "openid profile email address phone groups"

5. Apply settings

To apply settings use the securityadmin.sh script: 

a. Apply changes with securityadmin.sh – OpenSearch documentation


Cd to the /usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools directory and run: 

./securityadmin.sh -cd ../../../config/opensearch-security/ -icl -nhnv   -cacert ../../../config/root-ca.pem   -cert ../../../config/kirk.pem   -key ../../../config/kirk-key.pem

b. Restart OpenSearch 

Now when users access their OpenSearch Dashboards URL, they’ll see the Okta Login page.

Okta sign in page.

After login, we should see the following under “view roles and identities”.

Where to find "view roles and identities" once you log in to Okta.

Roles & Backend roles in Okta.


Setting up SSO in OpenSearch allows users to have the same users and permissions across applications hassle-free. Once Okta Groups are defined, we can map these Groups into existent OpenSearch roles.

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