Adding block to indices – How to solve this Elasticsearch error

Opster Team

Aug-23, Version: 7.9-8.4

Briefly, this error occurs when Elasticsearch is trying to add a block to indices, but encounters an issue. This could be due to insufficient permissions, a full disk, or a read-only index. To resolve this, you can check and adjust your permissions, clear up disk space, or change the index from read-only to read-write. Additionally, ensure that your Elasticsearch cluster is healthy and functioning properly.

This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” adding block {} to indices {} ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: metadata, cluster, indices.

Log Context

Log “adding block {} to indices {}” classname is
We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :

                    IndexMetadata.builder(indexMetadata).settings(updatedSettings).settingsVersion(indexMetadata.getSettingsVersion() + 1)
        }"adding block {} to indices {}";; blockedIndices.keySet().stream().map(Object::toString).toList());
        return Tuple.tuple(ClusterState.builder(currentState).blocks(blocks).metadata(metadata).build(); blockedIndices);

     * Adds an index block based on the given request; and notifies the listener upon completion.


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