How Syte Optimized their Elasticsearch with Opster

By Opster Team

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

| 2 min read

About Syte

Syte is an innovative technology company specializing in visual AI and deep learning solutions. They empower retailers and brands with advanced visual search capabilities, enabling customers to discover, search, and shop for products using images. By transforming the way consumers interact with online shopping platforms, Syte enhances the overall shopping experience and drives customer engagement.

Main takeaways

  • Easily solved bottlenecks thanks to advanced visibility with AutoOps
  • Enhanced capacity planning to cater to multi-tenant users
  • Achieved peace of mind, resulting in worry-free Elasticsearch management

Searching for solutions to optimize Elasticsearch

For the last 6 years, Syte has been using Elasticsearch for various purposes, primarily as a database for production and to serve data to clients in real-time. They started out running self-managed, and eventually switched to hosted Elasticsearch with a managed service. 

Despite having a managed service in place, the Syte team still found that they were spending way too much time on maintenance, troubleshooting and trying to optimize performance. “Whenever there was an issue, it would take all of our focus,” said Ido David, VP R&D at Syte. “Elasticsearch is mission-critical for us, so we had to put other important elements on hold whenever ES required our attention.”

They decided to try to gain better observability into their clusters, especially the multi-tenant ones, and to look for an Elasticsearch expert who could advise on best practices, how to get the most of their infrastructure and for support whenever issues arise. 

“We started searching for Elasticsearch experts and better visibility solutions, and that’s when we found Opster. We ran some of the free tools, especially the Check-Up, and got excited over the insights we were given. We knew we had to meet the team behind it,” said David. “And the rest is history.

Optimizing Elasticsearch with Opster’s expert support team

The Syte and Opster teams began to work on optimizing Syte’s Elasticsearch clusters. By connecting Syte’s clusters to AutoOps, the Syte team was able to gain deep visibility into their searches and optimize mappings, schemas and queries themselves. 

“With AutoOps, and especially the Shard View screen, we finally see what true visibility looks like,” said Ido David, VP R&D at Syte. “Shard View has been so helpful in finding bottlenecks and discovering which indices were problematic, so we could adjust our users accordingly.”

The teams also performed crucial capacity planning, dynamically enough to cater to Syte’s multi-tenant users. When one user consumes more (uploads more data or performs more quereis), it’s easy to use AutoOps to identify the user and adjust the shardig accordingly. 

“Before working with Opster, managing Elasticsearch was taking up so much time. Now it’s minimal,” said David. “We actually get pinged proactively by the Opster team and the AutoOps Operator, saving our engineers extra time by helping us avoid issues.”

“We get pinged proactively by the Opster team, saving our engineers extra time by helping us avoid issues.”

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

The next step was to integrate event alerts to Syte’s internal monitoring and alerting systems.  “The truth is we can self-serve using the AutoOps interface and the alerting systems, but the Opster team is always on top of things. They let us know what they found and how they improved the system,” David continued. “We don’t even have to ask.”

Thanks to Opster’s products and support, the Syte team has complete peace of mind with Elasticsearch. “It’s incredible how calmly we can manage our deployment, we just don’t have to worry about it anymore,” said David. 

“We just don’t have to worry about Elasticsearch anymore.”

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

“Anything that does come up, questions or new features we want to consider, we just write them in our joint Slack channel and right away there’s an answer from the Opster team. It’s the highest level of support. They come back almost immediately with a complete review, explanation, and a whole new plan for us to achieve what we want. 

“Opster provides the highest level of support. The quickest responses, the best Elasticsearch expertise, and tangible results.”

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

Ido David | VP R&D at Syte

“Our partnership with Opster has been incredible. The quickest responses, the best Elasticsearch expertise, tangible results and even face-to-face meetings when we asked. Opster is the most professional support team we’ve come across and it’s been a really worthwhile investment.”